Posted on 9th April 2015 by Jon Terry
Back to work

We commented earlier in the week on twitter that after the long Easter Weekend off it felt a bit like a New Year. And this week it has seemed as if a lot of people are still on holiday so perhaps you might be doing that thing where you start thinking about looking for a new job as a result.
If that's you we've got 3 things for you to consider.
Don’t ignore the recruiters PROCESS
We always argue that you should be comfortable picking up the phone and talking to the recruiter but if that recruiter says “can you send me your CV” then do so. During a recent campaign we were inundated with LinkedIn requests, Twitter DMs and semi-speculative e-mails but we didn’t always get the CV! We don’t think the ‘perfect’ candidate slipped through the net but they could have done.
Take pride in your application
There are plenty of online blogs and articles heralding the end of the CV but the truth is that the CV and Application Form / Cover Letter is not yet dead! It remains the first thing that a recruiter and prospective employer sees about you. So typos, wrong dates, mixed up formats, and cover letters addressed to the wrong person and job are what they might see first. You want first impressions to count favourably.
Know what your USP is
What makes you special? What are your strengths? Why are you better than the next candidate? It is good to know this and have a unique selling point that will appeal to a prospective employer. Make yourself stand out by being prepared to sell your skills and strengths in a suitable manner.
And if you are reading this and are a HR professional looking for a new job then send us a copy of that CV!