Posted on 22nd June 2017 by Jon Terry
Let’s Talk Salary

Discussing your current salary during an interview is a conversation many people find awkward, they get a feeling in the pit of their stomachs as soon as it is mentioned and feel as though they could run a mile. This is mostly due to the feeling that that your current salary can have a huge impact on whether you are hired or left at the door.
For instance, if you are currently earning anything below the average salary for your present role, it may make the interviewer question why. They may even relate this to you not being worth more and it may affect their decision to hire you. Alternatively, the interviewer may lower their offer to save themselves some money.
With this in mind, we have come up with a few tips on how you can avoid this.
Do your research
When preparing for an interview it is very important that you do your research, especially in terms of salary. All roles have a salary average so it is important that you are aware of what that is and what tasks are included.
If you feel as though you can do almost any job on the market, particularly the one you are applying for, then use this average as a starting point, but remember, most employers will focus on the lower end of the scale so it is important you are comfortable with that figure.
Keep goals realistic
Salary essentially relates to the measurement of the challenges included in the job title. When candidates use terms such as ‘money is not important as long as the role is right’, they are not thinking about the hard work or lack of work involved.
If you are currently on a 30k role and want to keep the same job description, asking for 50k will not suffice. 50k will include an intense workload and have almost twice the challenges as it is almost twice the pay and vice versa if the salary is lower than your current.
With this in mind, you must keep salary goals and expectations realistic, if you feel like you can jump to 50k confidently, then go for it. If you have slight doubt then express that you are not the finished article but feel confident at 40k, and if you have no confidence or are not ready for a higher workload stick to 30k, don’t just jump to 50k because you want more money!
Find a salary range you’d like to be in
After coming to a realistic decision about your salary you should start to think about where you would like to be, ensuring you feel comfortable with the lower end of the scale. This will encourage employers to see your worth and hopefully meet you in the middle, you can even come to an agreement whereby you start at the lower end of the payscale and prove yourself over a set time frame to achieve raises along the way - this is a perfect solution for those changing sectors as it will also help build your confidence in a new field.
If you do not feel comfortable or happy with a certain salay, don’t settle in order to just get the job... you’ll regret it later down the line and will end up undergoing this process again, you must feel comfortable with the final decision.
Ensure the employer gives a number first
Every employer will have a figure in mind, so it is vital that you don’t under sell yourself by stating a figure lower than what they are thinking. If this is the case, you may find a co-worker doing the same role as you on a higher salary which will definitely get your back up.
If the range they state is lower than what you want, express that you expect the range to be at least 10 to 20 percent more than you are currently making, for example. This is a fair statement to make as long as you feel confident you can do the job.
Need Help?
If you’re still unsure on how to approach the discussion of your salary, why not contact a recruitment consultant? Wright Solutions have over 30 years experience in the HR sector and can help manage your salary expectations or fight your corner to get the money you want.
To find out more, contact Wright Solutions today on 0121 222 5599 or email to