Posted on 13th February 2020 by Jon Terry

Wright Solutions - Our Visions & Values

Wright Solutions - Our Visions & Values

We've talked a lot in our recent newsletters about setting goals and challenges and we've followed our own advice in the last month.

Our first goal of 2020 was to revisit our Visions & Values and having gone through a lengthy process with staff, and also some of our longstanding industry contacts, we're proud to share them with you today,

Our Vision

To be the first choice partner for HR appointments and talent development, matching talent to opportunity, developing talent to optimise success.

Our Values

Authentic – real people providing real solutions to deliver your objectives
Collaborative – working in partnership with you, complementing your in-house teams  
Relevant – delivering connected and appropriate solutions
Long Term – demonstrating integrity over 20 years and counting!


These values have always and will always drive our business and the way that we want to work with you. They define who we are and how we work as individual consultants and as the Wright Solutions Team. 



Jon Terry

By Jon Terry

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