Posted on 6th December 2017 by Jon Terry
Recruiting in December - Why You SHOULD be Doing it

As the year draws to an end, you may think it’s time to wind down and hold off recruiting for your new positions until the new year. But, did you know that recruiting in December has a variety of benefits?
It’s the perfect Christmas present
As Christmas is all about giving, it’s the perfect time to send out job offers. Not only this but you will also have highly motivated recruits as most people tend to feel a burst of motivation during the new year.
Competition over applicants is smaller
December is a very busy month for most companies, meaning some tend to fall into the trap of putting recruitment off until next year. This opens an opportunity for you, giving you the chance to find the very best applicants and take the time to screen and interview them over the Christmas period while your competition is taking it easy.
‘Tis the season of social sharing
There’s no time like the holidays to be on your mobile phone, whether that’s to share job adverts on social media or contact friends and family about potential new opportunities. This higher engagement will also make it a lot easier for recruiters to communicate and share information about their open positions with job searchers online.
As well as this, recruiters and job searchers can take this time to update their social content on profiles such as LinkedIn, ready to begin their job search in the new year.
Time to interview
If you can remember back to when you were carrying out your own job search, you will no doubt remember the nightmare of trying to get time off to go interviewing. But, in most cases, people often have so much more time in December to think about their career and start job hunting and have plenty of excuses to get out of the office without questions being asked, whether that be to “do some Christmas shopping” or “pick the in-laws up from the station”.
You may also find that you, as the hiring manager, will have more time on your hands in December to browse CVs and interview candidates.
Getting right-fit candidates in to see you can be so much easier in December, so why not take advantage of that?
Looking for a new job or counter offer
Now imagine that you have candidate sat opposite you in an interview room. Ask yourself, are they looking for a job? or would they be happier with a nice offer and the chance to negotiate a pay rise/counter offer at their current employer? Can you be sure which it is?
To be fair you probably can’t ever be totally sure but in our experience the individual who is sat in front of you in an interview room in December is much more likely to be dead set on the new role at your business.
New Year, New Budget
With January 1st being the start of many business calendars, managers within those companies will start looking into upcoming headcounts and budgets at the end of the year. This offers recruiters the perfect opportunity to start working with managers to see what positions are available and what the criteria is in order to have an expanded and motivated workforce at the start of the new year.
So, with these benefits explained, will you be recruiting in December?
Wright Solutions have over twenty years experience in the HR sector and work personally to provide high-calibre candidates for specialist executive roles in human resources and learning and development.
Please feel free to call us on 0121 222 5599 for an informal discussion or send us an email to